Java Village Baptist Church

               "A little church reaching the world"


Services 10:30 AM Sundays


Like the children of Israel in times past, we see ourselves on a pilgrimage to the Promised Land (see 1 Corinthians 10). We are following Jesus the best we know how. Along the way we learn, share and grow in understanding our faith. 


We have people who are new to the Christian faith and others who are not yet ready to commit to the Christian faith. We have the curious and sincere also. All of us came from somewhere spiritually and all of us have a future spiritually and we hope to be an asset in your journey. 


Our message is simple: Christ has paid a price for our forgiveness and made a way for us to have a future with God, beginning now.


Our emphasis is on Teaching and raising up ministries for the Body of Christ. 


To know more about Java Village Baptist Church continue to scroll and read. There is more information on the following pages about who we are and what we Believe.









4552 Route 78
Main Street
Java Village, NY 14083

Copyright 2015 Java Village Baptist Church. All rights reserved.

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4552 Route 78
Main Street
Java Village, NY 14083